Drinks On Monday with The Strike Team (science fiction)
Direct download: Chapter_V-The_Millenium_Falcon_Pursuit.m4a
Category:science fiction -- posted at: 8:14pm CST

Without adult supervision on hand Pat goes full Art Bell again and sits down to talk with local archeologist/barfly Erin "Jones" (not her actual last name because she IS an actual archeologist) about the fossil record, Great Flood myths, the evolution of mankind, and how the heck old is civilization anyways? Jameson Caskmates: Stout Edition is imbibed.

Direct download: Ancient_Mysteries_Revealed.m4a
Category:science fiction -- posted at: 12:28pm CST

Mike, Pat and guest anchor Kristin throw back 40 ouncers of King Cobra malt liqour and talk about INTERSTELLAR, Sci-Fi films and The Twilight Zone.

Direct download: King_Cobra_Sci-Fi_Spectactular.m4a
Category:science fiction -- posted at: 6:34pm CST